Requirements for Rosoft Lame Encoder

Hardware Requirements

  • CPU
  • The faster CPU you use the faster the program encodes the file. We recommended you to use at least a pentium III 500 but the program works on a Pentium 166 MMX even if it takes longer to encode the files.

  • RAM
  • The required minimum of Read and Access Memory (RAM) you need is depending on the Windows version you are running and on the number of tasks Windows have to do in the background. As a hint you can see the table below.

      Windows 95 64 MB
      Windows 98 64 MB
      Windows ME 96 MB
      Windows NT4 96 MB
      Windows 2000 128 MB
      Windows XP 256 MB


    Note that if you run Windows XP as we do the operating system uses more than 128 MB before we start any program. I wouldn't recommended any one to run Windows XP unless they have 256 MB RAM installed. Of course you can try to use the program with less memory. The worst thing that can happen is that Windows Crashes and force you to reboot the machine.

  • Drive space
  • First you need a lot of storage for the wave files you want to use as source for Rosoft Lame Encoder. The size of the files created by Rosoft Lame Encoder rangers from 1/20 of the original size 1/5 of the size depending on the bitrate you have chosen.

Software Requirements

  • The only software requirement except that you run Windows 95/98/ME/2000/XP is that you have the file lame_enc.dll installed in your Windows Folder. You find more information about the Lame Encoder here.

  • You also need a program to extract or record you wave files with. For example Rosoft Audio Recorder or Rosoft CD Extractor.

Adware Editions

  • If you are using one of our adware/freeware edition of Rosoft Lame Encoder it is most likely that you need to have the adware that came with the install functioning properly. You are of course able to uninstall any adware that comes with one of any of our adware editions but if you uninstall the adware the program stops working. There is an alternative way of using our programs without adware. Register the unlimited edition of the program and without any adware what so ever.

  • For more information see the adware section of this help file.
